How to increase the potency at home

Many men faced with the manifestations of erectile dysfunction are wondering how to raise the member and restore virility. Find out several effective ways on how to increase the potency at home.

That affects sexual function

Erectile dysfunction can cause the following causes:

  • Overweight and obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Low testosterone
  • Injuries associated with dysfunction of the spinal cord
  • Injury of pelvic organs
  • Bad habits: Smoking, drugs, alcohol
  • A man with a woman
  • Depression, stress or excitement
  • Was the age and associated physiological changes
  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • Insufficient recovery sleep

Negative effect on erections have, as a rule, several of the listed factors. Therefore, to solve the problem must also comprehensively.

How to increase the potency

Now about how to improve the potency at home, using simple methods. There are several:

  1. Exercises to improve erection
  2. Massage for potency
  3. A rapid increase in potency with the help of special medications
  4. Folk remedies for potency

Let's discuss each of them.

Exercises for erection

Yes, exercises that increase the potency include squats, lifts and leg swings, rotating the pelvis and the other to strengthen the blood circulation in the crotch area. Include in your daily gymnastic complex of the following exercises:

  1. Squats. Regular squats from a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Hands on waist or out to keep the balance. The wider distance between the feet and the lower the squat the higher the load on the muscles of the perineum.
  2. Download abdominal muscles. Exercises designed to practice abdominal muscles, increase stamina, including a spoon. Best of all this will help the leg lifts and trunk from the prone position.
  3. Standing, alternately lift your knees as close as possible and abdomen. The pace should be uniform, the amplitude of movements deep. Follow the breath, hands, behind the head or at the waist.
  4. "Bicycle" in a lying position to commit to the air movement, such rotation of the pedals.
  5. In supine position, arms along the body, slowly lift the pelvis as high as possible, and just slowly lower it. To ensure that your back off the floor.
  6. Jogging and even simple running on the spot helps "disperse" the blood, increasing blood circulation, strengthening the cardiovascular system and speeding up the metabolism of all the vital systems of the body.
  7. In any comfortable, relaxed position, alternately stretch and relax the muscles of the perineum. Hold the stress state first for a few seconds, s o'clock, according to the degree of fitness of these muscles, so 10-15 seconds. Not to strain the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Not to interrupt the breath, to strive and ensure that it was peaceful.

The last exercise is especially useful for raising potency – it is part of a comprehensive Kegel exercises designed specifically to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, improve control of the bladder and improving erectile function. A few of these "warm-up" of simani recommended skin before sexual intercourse.

Intimate massage

At a weak erection you can do massage of the penis: the forefinger and thumb of the hand you tightly grasp the trunk of the penis at the base so that they are formed like the letter "O". Then make a leisurely, flowing, kneading motion, as if pulling penis and which resemble "milking". This technique is called "jelqing" in duperow (members of a community of men who have enlargement of the penis).

More info about "jelqing" and other massage techniques penis can be read on specialized sites you can easily find in the network on the specified request.

To improve the potency of directed massage of the testicles, which produce male hormone – testosterone. It should be borne in mind that this is a particularly sensitive part of the whole. So when this massage makes you partners, you should ensure that he produced a soft, gentle movements. Useful as a daily massage of the testicles, and in the process of sexual intercourse.

How to increase the potency

To increase potency quickly and without unnecessary movements of the whole, without reflecting especially on foreplay and other "conventions" to help special drugs from the group of selective inhibitors of the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5).

The principle of operation is popular in men tablets the same – improvement of blood vessels and corpora cavernosa of the penis, thereby strengthening an erection.

The difference is in the way and time of action of drugs. One cure take about an hour Yes, intercourse, and another will commence half an hour earlier. Also, if the effect of ad tablets of one drug eating does not have any effect, the other is not recommended for use in conjunction with food, especially fatty is able to weaken the effect and to push for an hour at the beginning.

If you want to know how to increase the potency for the night, then the best solution is not to find drugs will do it quickly and reliably. The drug works only when sexual excitation. Before taking read the instructions as there are some side effects and contraindications.

The downside of the medications listed above phenomena is their cost.

How to increase the potency of folk remedies

In all post-Soviet countries traditionally have a wide selection, useful to restore and increase male power.

Traditional recipes for male power

  1. Chopped dried apricots, walnuts and honey mix in equal parts. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day. Store in a cool place.
  2. To grate fresh carrots and garlic, mix with sour cream, to consolidate forces.
  3. Turnips, boiled in milk, has long been attributed a healing effect on the increase of potency.
  4. Omelette, baked in e roasted fresh tomatoes, served with parsley.
  5. Fried with onions fresh mushrooms to stew along with Turkey breast or chicken. Serve with sour cream.

These recipes are good because it is usually meals, their traditions go back centuries. Eating so you get a double benefit and aesthetic pleasure hell tasty and healthy food.

Good potency is largely due to the foods that are used in the hedgehog. We all know that it can negatively affect smoked, salted, fatty and canned foods, and carbonated beverages. But "right" varies hedgehog useful. There are real aphrodisiacs which help to increase the potency.

Regular consumption of following foods has a beneficial effect on erectile function:

  • seafood
  • oysters
  • nuts, especially pistachios and walnuts
  • peanuts
  • eggs
  • parsley
  • celery
  • pumpkin seeds

Tinctures for potency

On the recommendation of a doctor, unless contraindicated, to improve erection, you can take the following extracts:

  • ginseng
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • clover
  • Schizandra
  • St. John's wort
  • nettle
  • yarrow

All this can be bought in a regular pharmacy. Also it is recommended to take 20 drops of tincture of garlic twice a day during meals.

There are other recipes. Still in manuscript herbals mentioned infusions and decoctions:

  • periwinkle
  • asparagus officinalis
  • of orchids common
  • lungwort
  • tubers Liubka two-folded
  • plantain bloshnogo
  • thyme

How to increase the potency without drugs

  1. A foot massage. More walking barefoot on the grass and the pebbles or use a special low-cost massagers. Point acupuncture come us s Chinese traditional medicine is in activation of specific points on the feet that are associated with the sexual organs. If there is no opportunity to go outdoors, you can use mustard. Apply them for 10 minutes and feet, then wash feet with cool water and rubbing with a towel. This procedure has beneficial effects on blood circulation of pelvic organs.
  2. Contrast shower. While taking a shower alternate hot and cold water. This simple technique, in the absence of contraindications, perfectly tones up the immune system and is able, with regular use, increase the potency. Similar phenomena are option treatments with a cold douche.
  3. The app is wrapped in a napkin of ice and the whole training blood vessels – this old app has lost relevance in connection with the possibility of a similar effect on the body by using a contrast shower.
  4. Vacuum effect on the penis with the help of special pump-pump. The penis is put on a transparent plastic or glass bulb, from which then air is pumped out. Low pressure inside the bulb and causes rapid filling of the vessels and cavernous bodies of the penis a large amount of blood. In sales performance is as simple and cheap mechanical pumps with electric pump and electronic control of the process. It is believed that with the help of this device you can train the blood vessels in the penis, but the probability of injury if "pump".
  5. Ditch unhealthy habits. You should limit the quantity of consumed alcoholic drinks, and also pay attention to their quality. Keep in mind that some of them, especially of beer, promote the development of female hormones in men. Quit Smoking. Nicotine promotes narrowing of blood vessels that cause pathology in many organs, including the inhibits sexual function.

How to increase the potency of the Eastern ways

  1. A method of deterring ejaculation. This is one of the basic principles of the Tao of love, who gained fame in the 80-ies of the last century. The meaning of the provision of the ancient teaching that every sexual act needs to end with orgasm and ejaculation is "accumulation" of male power, as opposed to indiscriminate spending. It is believed that especially important is the rule for men of Mature age – 50 and above. Preference should be given longer and more quality sexual intercourse.
  2. Another method of the same exercises. When urinating, it is recommended to up on his toes and make calm measured exhalation, simultaneously straining buttocks. Approval of the ancient sages, this approach increases libido, sexual stamina and normalizes erectile function.
  3. Yoga. For the normalization of erectile function a good "inverted" posture: Halasana and Salammbo Sarvangasana (like all known at school, "birch"). Reverse blood flow increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and also contributes to the improvement and rejuvenation of the genital organs.

How to improve erection during sex

Erection during sexual intercourse, you can correct the position at which occurs outflow of blood from the penis. To do this you must practice the position in which your body is in a vertical position, for example: the back of the partner, or from the top (the classic missionary position).

In conclusion, the last rule:

The benefit of a good rest

Get plenty of rest – proper rest can work wonders. You probably had to feel awakens sexual desire in a vacation by the seaside, away hell everyday worries and hassles? And the question was not about how to raise the potency, and with whom it is pleasant to spend an hour...

Try not to accumulate a negative ad unpleasant everyday situations. Refresh the brain and positive energy will help nature walks, exercise is a favorite hobby, watching a good movie, playing with Pets.

Do not provoke conflicts, since they are, in effect, are damaging in the first place, it is on your psyche. Remember: a strong man does not give freedom nerve.

Listed in article techniques will help to restore potency in a few weeks, if not pathologies. In more complicated cases you will have to ask for help and the doctor.